Twitter video shows bat flying inside Henderson Library Sunday

  • In a video recorded by GS student Nicolas Burke, a bat can be seen flying around the second floor of Henderson Library around 10 p.m. Sunday.

Nathan Woodruff

A video posted on Twitter Sunday showed a bat flying around the Zach S. Henderson Library on the Georgia Southern University Statesboro campus.

In the video recorded by GS student Nicolas Burke, a bat can be seen flying around the second floor of the library around 10 p.m. Sunday.

The video was posted on Twitter, with the heading, “Bruh there’s a bat in the library!” The 13-second clip has about 1,800 views.

{{tncms-inline account=”Nick_Burke96″ html=”<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bruh there’s a bat in the library ! <a href=""></a></p>— Nicolas Burke (@Nick_Burke96) <a href="">February 11, 2019</a></blockquote>” id=”1094792482615975936″ type=”twitter”}}

The situation has been resolved and the bat was released unharmed.

“A small bat was captured on our top floor after flying around in the atrium and exhausting himself trying to get out of the library. He was released and appeared to be none the worse for his visit,” Bede Mitchell, Henderson Library dean said.

How the bat found its way into the library is currently unknown.

Mitchell said, “We don’t know how it got in, but it was so small it could have come in through a vent. There is no evidence of a nest anywhere in the library. Knox Pest Control was contacted, but it turned out we were able to safely capture and release it.”

Nathan Woodruff, The George-Anne News Reporter,