Madison Watkins, Staff Writer

Throughout the months of Aug. and Sept., the Housing department along with other organizations on campus such as the Student Government Association (SGA), Campus Union Board (CUB), and the Division of Student Affairs have been hosting events for Armstrong After Dark. Students first found out about the events at the hall meetings at the beginning of the semester.
Assistant housing director Katie Fester explained, “these events are meant to get students engaged with friends and to meet other students on weeknights and weekends and to participate in activities on campus. It’s geared towards the first-year students but all students are encouraged to participate.” Fester added that she was glad to work with SGA and CUB on these events, “The RSA (Residential Student Association), SGA, and CUB have been really getting into these events. We all met at the beginning of the summer with the Division of Student Affairs to figure out what events we would have. We’re thankful for them.”
Some of the events that have happened so far are the Zumba Glow Party, the Play Fair, Georgia Southern Fan Fest, Tea Party, and Wayne Hoffman “The Mentalist” event. University Terrace resident assistant (RA) Kelly Vislocky who is also a sophomore history major, attended the Glow Party and the Play Fair. “The Zumba Party is a cool way for students to let their hair down after all the craziness of move-in and it’s a great way to have fun! The Play Fair was at the Rec Center and a man who had games such as icebreakers for students to get to know each other hosted the event. I really enjoyed both events!”
The Wayne Hoffman event was put on by CUB in the Ogeechee Theater. Hoffman brought student volunteers up to the stage and was able to figure out certain words students were thinking. He also was able to take an empty dented Coke can, refill it and reopen it by continually spinning his finger around it.
Fester has been able to get helpful feedback from students about the events so far, “We ask students what they think about it during the events. All of the student organizations have been asking for feedback as well but from a housing perspective we ask students during the events.”
Some of the events coming up are speaker Stan Pearson’s presentation that will be on Sept. 7, RSA outdoor movie night will be on Sept. 8, a trip to the Oatland Island Wildlife Refuge that will be on Sept. 19, Ronnie Jordan’s comedy special on Sept. 13 and the After Dark After Party on Sept. 23.
The RSA will be presenting “Remember The Titans” by the Compass Point Clubhouse for movie night and students are encouraged to bring blankets and chairs. The Rec Center will be hosting the trip to the Oatland Wildlife Center. Fester was happy to say that the events have been successful so far, “We have had a great turnout! Students have been really engaged with it whether they were new events or traditional events that we have had before.”
Vislocky said that her job as an RA has expanded from just working in the hall she lives in, as they have to help out with After Dark events, as well. “Our role is to make people aware of the events and to support them by attending a few and inviting people to go.” She agreed with Fester on the After Dark events being successful for student engagement, “I think they are really effective as long as students know about it. We have a wide variety of events so everybody can find something to appreciate. It’s just a matter of getting the word to students so they can enjoy them.”
You can find the flyers of the full list of After Dark events on campus or check student emails to see what events are happening in the coming weeks.