By Daylon Bonner, Staff Writer
March 5th
A new member received appointment to the Senate. Chaienne Tucker joined the ranks after unanimous approval and a sworn oath.
A sizable sum of money will be allocated towards catering for Tech Fest which will occur in early April. Given that the event is relatively noteworthy, the sum is not so surprising. The funds allocated would be slightly increased to make sure that all catering matters would be taken care of. The Computer Science Department head in Statesboro has also shown interest in the event and seemed inclined to make his presence known when the Fest does occur, more than likely, he will be accompanied by students from Statesboro.
A somewhat heated, and rather lengthy, exchange unfolded over the allocation of funds towards the Gay Straight Alliance. The request came with the intent to buy T-shirts for pride month in April. Some senators questioned whether the method being used buy the T-shirts lacked efficiency as the service would yield a decidedly small number of T-shirts. Specifically, the design was called into question. The design, while distinctly vibrant and identifiable with the organization, was not cost efficient, hence the high fund allocation and low T-shirt return. The motion, upon initial proposal, failed much to the dismay of Attorney General Charles Breazeale. However, it would take center stage again lending more debate and several extensions for time of discussion. The motion would eventually pass, though not without detractors. The Gay Straight Alliance received funding as requested. A feasible means for lowering the cost per T-shirt did not surface during deliberation.