By: Daylon Bonner, Staff Writer
President Jarvis Steele made his presence known at the SGA meeting this week.
He came seeking unity and stating he is currently working on legislation with ramifications for all three campuses. He also extended an arm to the SGA members to join his Presidential Advisement Committee.
After taking the oath, Karlee Hale and Jonas Shackley joined the SGA. Senator Hale joined as a Senator representing the College of Education. Senator Shackley is a deputy from the at large college.
Senate Amendment Five was presented by Senator Wright. The Amendment outlines a process in which minutes from the weekly Senate meetings will be sent out regularly and within three-day periods of each other. A vote on the amendment will be held next week.
Senate Amendment Six updated wording in the RSO policy. Events needing funds more than $300 will need to request money four weeks in advance while events needing under $300 will only need to be requested two weeks prior. A vote on this issue will be held next week.
Senate Amendment 4 outlined some changing of the language in the SGA bylaws that relate to three committees. The names of the Recruitment Committee and the Student Advisory Committee would be changed while the responsibilities of the Awards Committee would be slightly changed. The Amendment passed.
Senator Skelton revealed that the Auxiliary Affairs committee is working on a way to compensate students that would work during the proposed extended hours of the Gus Mart. This comes on the heels of Resolution Two, the amendment that would extend the hours, being committed back to Auxiliary Affairs. Nothing is set in stone as of yet.
Senator DesLauriers spoke of the Business and Finance committee working to get recycling in the housing parts of campus.
President Steele elaborated on the Eagles for Eagles program stating that the Statesboro campus has it and it is sponsored by the Student Government. He would like to implement the program here and Liberty campus, but worries that interest, or lack thereof, may overshadow its benefits.
The Senate cannot currently send out surveys to the student body without approval from the President’s Office.