Feminists United (FU) is much more than the stereotypical (and grossly uneducated) idea of angry women mad at men and the world at large. FU inspires students and people to strive towards a more equal society.
The club first began in 2012 and has flourished within the last six years. Now, however, after the club’s presiding leadership graduated last May, the club is struggling to find its footing. Dr. Jane Rago and club president Lauren Crisp are actively working to improve the club’s condition this semester.
Their new mission statement reads, “the purpose of Feminists United shall be to pursue intentional intersectionality and collaboration with like-minded groups, both on and off campus. We are dedicated to empowering students to be politically engaged and educated about issues locally, nationally and globally,” Crisp wrote. FU also works to help the new Planned Parenthood Generation Action chapter facilitate events on campus. Feminists United meets on Thursdays at 6 p.m. in Gamble Hall, room 107.