Oct. 31- Nov. 2, Nov. 7-8 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 3 at 3 p.m. Main Stage Theatre in Jenkins Hall
Tickets are free for students with Eagle ID
All photos taken by Madison Watkins.
The Addams Family cast.Morticia (Heather Byler) and Gomez Addams (Seth Lynch-Stanley)Robin Troesch, Hannah Davis and Andrew Berg as Addams ancestors.The Addams Family cast.Wednesday Addams (Annie Childress) and Pugsley Addams (Charles Dumas)Brett Marchand as Lucas Beineke and Nick Lynes as Mal BeinekeLurch (Jordan Soto) and Lucas (Marchand)Lynch-Stanley and Byler as Gomez and MorticiaAlice Beineke (Javanna Rogers), Grandma (Pandora Crumpton) and Mal Beineke (Lynes)Mal. Morticia, Gomez and Alice Beineke toast the drinks offerred to them by LurchThe Addams Family cast
Lucas Beineke (Marchand), Mal Beineke (Lynes) and Alice (Rogers)Morticia (Byler) and Gomez Addams (Lynch-Stanley) watch WednesdayWednesday Addams (Childress)