Thuy-Linh Dang, Staff Writer
Dr. Corinna Zeltsman, Assistant Professor for the History Department, shared the work from her current book project, “Ink Under the Fingernails: Printing Politics in the 19th -Century Mexico” during the latest Robert I. Strozier Faculty Lecture. The lecture was on Nov. 15 in the Ogeechee Theater.
Her topic was “Rethinking Press Freedom and the Politics of Information: Lessons from 19th-Century Mexico.”
The lecture was organized by Dr. Lisa Dusenberry of the Writing and Linguistics Department.

In her lecture, Zeltsman focused on a revolution that abolished the Mexican
Inquisition and inaugurated freedom of the press in 1820.
Zeltsman explored the debates that follow this legal transformation.
In exploring these lively debates, Zeltsman addressed how these debates surrounded the printers that had control over the access to Mexico’s printing presses and how these printers became gatekeepers to the emerging world of free expression.
The next Robert I. Strozier Faculty Lecture will be held by Dr. Marcus Mitchell from the Writing and Linguistics department. He will discuss Physicality, Femininity, and Illustrations of Muscular Women in Victorian Periodicals.
The lecture will be at 12:15 p.m. on Jan. 24 in the Ogeechee Theater.