SGA Elections and who is running

April 2, 2021
Student Government Association (SGA) has their upcoming elections for 2021-22 term on April 5 through the 7. The voting closes at 5 pm on the 7 through your Georgia Southern email.
Until then the candidates running have been seen talking to students around campus about what they wish to accomplish should they be elected to SGA.
The College of Arts and Humanities and the Jack. N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies will not have candidates running to fill their senator positions this election cycle but here are the candidates that are running for the other positions so you can make the right choice for who speaks for you in the SGA.
If you want to read more about each candidate, the positions, or about what SGA does you can click here for more information.
For the position of SGA President are Sophomores from the Statesboro Campus Alexis Belvin and Korri Bryan.
Both have served within the SGA with Alexis Belvin mentioning her experience as both a Senator and President’s Cabinet member of which she says, “I believe my experiences have prepared me for the role of Presidency with my campaign centered around: inclusivity, sustainability, and financial assistance.”
Korri Bryan has served as Senator for the College at Large and the College of Education as well as the College Chair for the College of Education and Chief of Staff in the last two years. She states that if elected, “[…] I plan to keep and promote the ideals of SGA and to serve the student body to the best of my ability.”
Running for Executive Vice President is Taylor Gray, who is a Junior from the Statesboro campus and a senator for the Parker College of Business, says that, “If I was given the opportunity to be EVP, I would make sure that students were given the opportunity to express any concerns that they have and find solutions to those as quickly as possible.”
For Vice President of Finance Statesboro Campus Junior, Ayanna Brewton, is running for reelection of which she says, “With you all’s vote, I am confident that re-election in this role will allow me to continue to contribute to the growth and success of Georgia Southern University’s campus community.”
Amina Sarr, Sophomore from the Statesboro Campus, is running for the position of Director of Student Affairs after spending some time as a Senator for the Waters college of Health Professions this last 2020-21 term. She says that, “In my time within SGA, I’ve come to realize that we are often unheard. I’m making it my mission to change that. I see this as my opportunity to serve a community that is much greater than myself. As you director of student affairs , my goal is to make sure there is nothing that Georgia Southern students need that we can provide.
Armstrong Campus Junior, Jordan Cooper, is running for Director of Auxiliary Affairs of which she says that, “I am seeking Director of Auxiliary Affairs because I know I can amplify campus life, better campus partnership, and increase student participation. I am a 3rd year Resident Advisor, previous Auxiliary Chair, and I am familiar with all Auxiliary.”
Also running for this position and seeking reelection is Statesboro campus Sophomore, Amare McJolly who says that, “[…] I am eager to listen to students to determine how they can best be served to enhance their college experience! If elected, I plan to keep and promote the ideals of SGA and serve as a liaison between the students on campus and the administrative faculty.”
Running for the position of Director of Veteran Affairs are Juniors from the Statesboro campus Audrey Lowery and Joanna Njie who are currently Senators for the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing.
Audrey Lowery’s choice to seek election in this position is influenced by her being part of a Military family which is why, “I want to help these group of individuals and even their families get through the troubles they have and let them know they are not alone.”
Joanna says that, “Becoming Director of Veteran Affairs will allow me to advocate for the best interest of the student body and Eagle Battalion here at Georgia Southern University.” Joanna shares that she is not just a student but has also marked four years in the National Guard as well as three years as a cadet in the Eagle Battalion.
Running for Public Relations Coordinator is Kimmy Smith who is currently one of the senators for the College of Arts and Humanities. She stated that her goals are, “If elected as the Public Relations Coordinator, I plan to leverage my 2 plus years of Public Relations experience and involvement on campus to this position in order to fulfill all SGA needs when it comes to social media engagement, content creation, and flyer development.”
Running for a seat as Senator for the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing is Statesboro Campus graduate, Saidi Olalere who says, “My goal is to be the ear and mouthpiece for the students by ensuring their voices are heard.”
For positions as Senators for the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences from the Statesboro campus are Monique Edwards, Davis Green, Michayla Knox, Joe Rocheleau, and Rachel Smith.
Seeking reelection is Sophomore Davis Green who says, “As a senator during the 2020-2021 SGA term, I was very active in Senate meetings and expressed opinions on what I believed was best for the students in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.”
Sophomore Monique states that, “I am seeking a position in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences because I want to be a voice for the underrepresented. As a first-generation college student and minority, I know firsthand the importance of inclusion and diversity.”
Junior Michayla is also running for senator in order to represent and advocate for those who are underrepresented saying that, “As a senator of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, I will do my best to ensure that my peers’ concerns and ideas are turned into tangible change.”
Joe, who is also a Junior, says that should he be elected that, “I’d like to ensure greater accountability for those whose actions negatively impact our diverse student body and ensure the university does everything it can to lower our carbon footprint.”
The final candidate who is also a Junior, Rachel, says that, “If elected senator, I plan to advocate for the opportunities and resources necessary for our students’ academic, social, and professional success.”
The candidate for the Senator of the College of Education, is Darley Desormo, a Sophomore from the Armstrong campus. Darley’s statement starts off with a quote by Nelson Mandela about the power of education and then goes on to say that, “ I am running for SGA’s College of Education senator position. I have the best interest in both my academic college and the people of the university.”
For the College of Science and Mathematics Senator position are Statesboro sophomores Garrett Cutchin and Ke’Anthony Kendrick and from the Armstrong campus freshman Jesus Omar Sistos Barron and senior Kaley Neal.
Garrett is running with the goal, if elected, to help put forth a more environmentally friendly legislature for the campuses as well as for increased involvement of the students of the college he’s running to represent.
Ke’Anthony is running for the opportunity to represent others because, “I want to take part in ensuring that all students enjoy their time here at Georgia Southern University. Being able to represent the student body on a larger platform is an opportunity for me to grow as an individual and a leader.”
Armstrong Senior Kaley who has previously served as a senator and task force member says that she plans to make a return to the arena because, “I am interested in joining SGA because I want to be able to serve the students again and assist with making their college experience better.”
Freshman Jesus Omar wishes to promote student engagement throughout the university to as well as to, “[…]help make the ‘back to in-person’ transition as smooth as possible for all students.”
Running for to represent the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health are Statesboro campus sophomores Kaleigh Jordan and Gabi Wiggill as well as Graduate Diana Ewetola.
Kaleigh states that, “I want to make sure the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health has representation to support an inclusive environment at Georgia Southern University.” by serving as a liaison and advocate for students.
Double Eagle Diana wishes to bring her experience and knowledge to improve the school and if elected, “I believe SGA will provide me with the perfect opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas on ways we can not only improve our school wellness but find a way to be a voice for my fellow students in the College of Public Health.”
Gabi has organized events such as the Organicup CampusCup 2020 and the Students’ Health Awareness initiative and is now running for Senator because, “I love taking care of people and ensuring that they each get to live their best lives. Therefore, by representing the students of JPHCOPH, I can further these public health initiatives for the betterment of all students on campus.”
Cole Hughes is running for Senator of Parker College of Business. The Statesboro campus freshman states that he is running for this position, “[…] because I feel that I can best represent our student body through my firm beliefs of unification and my great dedication I have to our great college here at Georgia Southern.”
The candidates for the position of Senator of Waters College of Health Professions are Statesboro campus students Aryonna Black, Harper Lewis, and Britney Wellinton.
Sophomore Aryonna states that, “I am seeking the senator position because I like to assist in making decisions that would help benefit other students and all campuses as a whole.”
“As a senior in the nursing program at Georgia Southern University, I would like nothing more than to represent my peers and other members of my college in the Student Government Association.” stated Harper.
Britney, a Junior, states that, “ If elected, I promise to fight for the students, because as a student myself I am compassionate to the needs and know how to help.”
Running for Senator of Liberty Campus is Liberty campus freshman Mylette Gordon who states that, “ Having the opportunity and ability to voice and implement change that is beneficial to all brings me great joy.” She hopes to hone her skills as a leader to help others and serve in activities and organizations that are larger than herself.
Statesboro Campus Charles Dixson is running for First Year Students senator wanting to, “[…] represent the student body anyway I can, and being a part of various clubs and organizations is my goal while I’m here!”
For the At Large Senator position, Statesboro Campus Junior Kennedy Finch is running for reelection on the basis that, “Through my involvement on campus, I have seen the lack of representation, which is why I am passionate about this position. College is about finding your voice, so I am seeking this position to give all students a voice and represent those who do not feel heard.”
For Senators of the Honors College both candidates are from the Statesboro campus, Grace McDaniel and Brigman Moore.
Senior Grace has previous SGA senate experience from a previous institution and says, “Should I be elected for the Senate, I believe with your input, we can make the small changes needed to make our school and community proud of Georgia Southern students!”
While National Guard member and Junior Brigman says that his interest in public service and equal representation would mean that for him, “ It would be an ‘honor’ to serve as one of the first senators of the newly established Honors College, and as senator I will ensure that the interests of the Honors College, and all its members, are represented in Student Government.”