Celebrating The Fourth of July in 2021
After the year we just had, many are anxious to celebrate the Fourth of July in the way they always have. While vaccines continue to roll out at a steady pace, it is important to not get too complacent. You can never be too careful after all. Thankfully, with restrictions loosening up, the options to celebrate this year are far better than last year.
Picnics and BBQ’s
While it is recommended that you avoid large gatherings of people from multiple households, heading out with your family or a few friends is safe. The open air of a park or even just your backyard is just what the doctor ordered after being cooped up for so long, not to mention some good food.
When most people think of Independence Day, they think of fireworks. One of the most iconic and important traditions of the Fourth of July. While they are a truly glorious part of the holiday, it is important to use them responsibly. Be aware of the nature of the fireworks you have. Make sure to fully put them out before disposing of them to prevent fires. Avoid setting them off near fire hazards. If you have any that produce loud booms be aware of your neighbors. If one of your neighbors is a veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder or if they have pets or young children, let them know ahead of time.
Take a Trip
If the more traditional ways to celebrate the Fourth of July aren’t your style, you can always take advantage of the long weekend to take a trip with family or friends. Even keeping it local to Georgia, there are a plethora of places to go for Independence Day. Whether it be historic Savannah, bombastic Atlanta, or one of the many national parks in our state, there is no shortage of options for a good Fourth of July trip.
While the past year or so has been chaotic for many Americans, it is important to come together in unity every now and then. We all come from different walks of life, but we are all together American.

Jacob Smith is a Culture Reporter for the Reflector, the George-Anne’s lifestyle magazine and features division. Born in Miami, FL, residing in Rincon,...