20th Anniversary of September 11th, 2001

Asa Baurle, Multimedia Journalist


For many of us… 9/11 happened when we were toddlers. For those old enough to remember. They’ll never forget. Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of September 11th. 2,977 people died that day. Attacks like those on 9/11 were shocking… even for the U.S. Military. 

Major Jamaine Williams was stationed at Fort Benning, here in Georgia. He told me how he and his crew members relied on tv news to keep up to date with what was happening. “As the reporters were giving us information up to the minute. We were getting feedback that this was not an accident, it was something catastrophic,” said Williams.

Dr. Dean Cummings also provided insight into what the following weeks were like in America. “Nobody wanted to laugh. It was not the time or place. It was very somber. It took a long time to get over it,” said Cummings.

Dr. Cummings is an associate professor. Who worked in the media industry in 2001. Due to the live nature of the event Cummings believes that’s why it is remembered so vividly. “They hit New York at 9 o’clock in the morning. And everybody saw it live. And that impacted so many people,” said Cummings. 

Following 9/11 the government and American public wanted to ensure that we could not be attacked from within again.

Dr Barry Balleck explained how feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty paved the way for Americans to willingly trade in areas of their privacy for more security. “It was shortly after that we passed the patriot act. Which was incredibly sort of expansive and invasive type of document in terms of surveilling American citizens,” said Balleck.

Major Williams was in the initial deployments into Iraq following 9/11… He still thinks that we have more in common with our neighbors than we are led to believe. “The patriotism, commandery, we may have our differences. But all in all we are here as Americans,” said Williams.