“The Thin Tweed Line” Preview

Students, mark your calendar for the upcoming performances of “The Thin Tweed Line.” Performances are from April 28th to April 30th at 7 p.m. and one on May 1st at 2:30 p.m. in the black box theater in Jenkins Hall.

This is an original play written by Armstrong’s philosophy professor Jack Simmons. It is also getting produced and directed by Dr. Simmons with the help of his wife, Katherine Simmons.

The cast is a combination of students, faculty, and community members.

This play focuses on the clashing cultures present on college campuses in contemporary society. It is “picking fun at professors and students,” said Simmons, and it satirizes problems present on most college campuses.

Student and cast member Kathryn Bauer, who plays Tracy, said to “go in with expectations to be humored” and, “think deeper before you make assumptions.” I would expect nothing less from a play written by a philosophy professor.

The play is free to the public, so invite friends and family to come to see the show. Seating is limited.