Club Spotlight: GSU Puppy Club
A club dedicated to puppies? Sign us up!
September 16, 2022
Puppy Club?
Georgia Southern University’s Puppy Club trains students on how to be Puppy Raisers for Southeastern Guide Dogs. They provide the necessary financial assistance, support, and training for the student puppy raisers.
Students also get to assist with the training of service dogs, as well as fundraise for Southeastern Guide Dogs and help spread the word about their mission.
How To Join
To join the GSU Puppy Club, you can reach out to Sam McGinn, or connect with the club at a future meeting (Dues are required for membership). They meet every other week in the Russell Union. The next upcoming meeting is Wednesday, September 28th, meeting inside Room 2080 of the Russell Union. Recently, a puppy just graduated, so naturally, a new puppy will be there to greet incoming members.
GSU Puppy Club is a fantastic way to get service hours while also interacting with dogs.
For more information please contact Sam McGinn or follow their instagram @puppyclubgsu