Get to know the 2018 Student Government Association candidates

  • Marcie Joyner is a junior finance major with an emphasis in real estate and is running for SGA President. 

  • Jarvis Steele is a senior political science and philosophy double major running for SGA President.

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Ashton Christianson

The 2018 Student Government Association elections are around the corner so get to know the candidates for President and Executive Vice President.

Each candidate was asked two questions via email about their platform and why they should be elected. The candidates responses are listed below.

SGA presidential candidates

Macie Joyner

Macie Joyner and Mike Harris will be on the same ticket for voting.

Q: Why should you be the next Student Government Association President?

A: “I believe that I should be your next Georgia Southern President because serving students is my passion. Throughout my three years in Student Government I have been given the opportunity to work in many different capacities. However, these roles are not why I should be your president. If you give me the honor to be your SGA president my main goal would be to serve you. Student’s voices should be heard and they should be continued in the conversation.”

Q: What is your platform for this election?

A: “The platform that my administration is standing on across all campuses is one of student empowerment, SGA transparency, and Vision 20/20. Some students do not realize the impact that they can have on Georgia Southern and it is time for them to know. I feel that can best be done through SGA transparency. I strive to have a more welcoming senate and also to potentially have live streaming of all of our senate meetings. Vision 20/20 is a survey that will be administered across each GSU campus and will allow students the opportunity to tell SGA what their main concerns are. The data we receive from this survey will allow us to take bigger steps in those areas where students want to see change. Make sure you vote for in SGA elections through your Georgia Southern email.”

Macie Joyner will be running on the same ticket Executive Vice Presidential candidate Mike Harris.

Jarvis Steele

Q: Why should you be the next Student Government Association President?

A: “I understand students and what they are looking for out of this newly consolidated Georgia Southern. We all want pretty much the same thing and that is representation. Students want their voices to be heard and concerns to be addressed and taken seriously. As a senator for SGA, these last two years I have made it a goal of mine to speak to students of all races and ethnicities and I understand this is one of the biggest concerns we have. We need to be more approachable, more user-friendly and more transparent about the resources that we have to offer. Students need to feel comfortable using SGA as a resource itself and understand that we are all here to help not hinder them and their experience here on campus. I am all inclusive and want all students to take ownership of being an Eagle no matter who you are or what you do here. Most importantly, I am good at listening, I have been listening and I am very approachable. Students tell me all the time that they do not understand the purpose of student government and do not feel like they can even speak to the representatives of Student Government that are representing them. I would not know that if I hadn’t gone out and spoke to students already. I am aware of the issues that we have and because I am aware of the issues I am enthusiastic about fixing them and optimistic that we can change this culture. I should become the next Student Government President because I am fully aware that I am not qualified to speak to whether or not I should be the next President, it’s not up to me. It’s up to the Students to decide whether or not they trust me and believe in what I stand for.”

Q: What is your platform for this election?

A: “My platform is simply “Bridging the Gap”. Not just the apparent gaps, like the ones between our campuses geographically, but the figurative gaps that have always existed. Like the gap between students and the administration, students and other students, the gap between organizations and SGA, the gap between minorities and the rest of the campus, the gap between Armstrong and Statesboro and many more. Some of these are perceived gaps and some of these are real, but all of them should be addressed and taken seriously. We have to let people know that we are here for their concerns no matter what those concerns are, and show students that the most important part of Student Government Association is the students. I want the opportunity to prove to all students that I am here for them and that this new Georgia Southern University specifically our Student Government Association is here to listen to them and work to improve the quality of all three campuses.”

SGA Executive Vice President Candidates

Amber Monkou

Q: Why should you be the next Student Government Association Executive Vice President?

A: “In the past, students have been victim to false promises, a lack of representation, a lack of resources, and so much more. The lack of inclusivity and unity on a deeper level within our communities–some of whom have been marginalized based off their level of privilege. Personally, my drive converges at the intersection between passion and drive to get involved in making the changes so many desire to see. Beyond this position, I make it a daily mission to dedicate myself to make a change in the lives of those around me. I hope others will join me in doing the same. Becoming Executive Vice President will allow me to assist in leading this work needed to propel growth on our campus and I’ll lead the only way I know how–by serving. I have a desire to inform and inspire students. I want to do my part to help students grow not only academically but in all facets of their lives. I want to be an advocate for my fellow students by working with university administration to meet the growing needs of each individual on our campus and for our current, and future Eagles collectively…never forgetting about those communities on campus that may have been marginalized in the past.

During my time as a senator for the College of Business, I loved and enjoyed the opportunity to interact with students and construct creative solutions to fix their problems and concerns. I would like to be able to continue to do the same for all of Eagle Nation. Despite my emphasis in serving the Statesboro campus, I would also like to do my part in bridging relations with our newest additions to Georgia Southern as well. By the beginning of 2019, I hope students will have seen enough change on campus to be eager to engage and create their own changes for the betterment of both our communities and our University.”

Q: What is your platform for this election?

A: “My platform is Student Growth and Development.”

Mike Harris

Q: Why should you be the next Student Government Association Executive Vice President?

A: “I would like the opportunity to be the Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association because I want to continue the work that the current administration has started. I want to ensure that the student body trusts us with their needs and concerns. Consolidation has brought us many opportunities and as Executive Vice President I would take advantage of those opportunities to empower the students for their academic and personal success. Being able to serve in the capacity that the Executive Vice President allows me to better advocate the students that I represent. The Executive Vice President must be a professional, experienced and knowledgeable individual and I believe that I have these qualities and more that will allow me to succeed in this position.”

Q: What is your platform for this election?

A: “My platform for this election is SGA Transparency, Active Advocacy, and Student Empowerment.

SGA Transparency is the most important of the three. Students have the right to know what SGA is doing, what events we are having and that we are here for them when they need us. SGA must be open and honest with the students whom we represent so the students can trust us with taking on their concerns and needs.

I am pushing Active Advocacy because, as members of SGA, it is imperative that we not only take in the concerns of the students, but we take active and positive steps to solving a problem or addressing those concerns. Being in these positions allows us to advocate for our students and as Executive Vice President I would ensure that I and those under me actively advocate for our students.

Student Empowerment is non-negotiable for me as SGA exists to empower the students. Everyone elected into SGA has been entrusted to professionally represent them on a higher level. We must continue to empower the students by representing them and advocating for a Better Georgia Southern.”

Debates and election information

SGA elections will open up at 12 a.m. on April 2 and will close at 11:59 p.m. on April 4. The results will be announced on the following day.

A debate on Wednesday will be held in the Russell Union Ballroom at 6:30 p.m. There will be a meet and greet at 6 p.m. in the Russell Union Ballroom prior to the debate.

For more information about the upcoming SGA elections, click here.

Ashton Christianson, News Reporter,