The Georgia Southern Police Department reported an increase in arrests for drug and alcohol law violations in the 2021-2023 annual security and fire safety report.
There was also an increase in fondling, defined as “the touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental incapacity” in on-campus residential facilities. A total of two fondling incidents were reported for 2023, up from zero in previous years.
A total of six arrests for drug law violations were reported on-campus and on public property. Four arrests and five disciplinary actions were made for on and off-campus liquor law violations.
Reports for rape, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arrests and disciplinary referrals for weapon possession, disciplinary referrals for drug law violations, domestic violence and stalking decreased to a number of zero for most categories.
Reported incidents of murder and manslaughter, dating violence, incest, statutory rape, robbery and arson largely remained at a number of zero throughout the years.
One fire was reported each year due to cooking in Compass Point and Windwards Commons. Another was reported due to electrical issues in 2022, leading to one injury.
If you have suffered from or are aware of an on-campus crime and would like to report it, visit Armstrong’s police department located near the Science Center or report it online. You can also call 912-344-3333 if you need to report an on-campus emergency.