Department of Biology host seminar series for students

  • The seminars will take place at the Biological Sciences building in room 1109.


Amina Ramsey

The department of biology is hosting a fall 2017 seminar series all throughout the semester every Monday at 11:15 a.m. in the Biological Sciences building in room 1109.

The Fall 2017 Seminar Series began on Aug. 21 and will end on Nov. 27.

According to the College of and Science and Mathematics’ Biology (COSM) page, the first seminar was held on Aug. 21 by Stephen Secor, Ph.D., from the University of Alabama. Secor’s seminar was on evolutionary and integrative mechanisms of organ plasticity.

The second seminar session was held Aug. 28 by Joe Figel, Ph.D., instructor in the department of biology. His talk was on an evolution of jaguar (Panthera onca) as an umbrella species for endemic herpetofauna in nuclear Central America.

The COSM page displays that there will be speakers from places such as the Georgia Aquarium, South Carolina Sea Grant, University of Florida and Florida State University.

Daniel Lleras, a grad student majoring in biology who also majored in biology during undergrad at Georgia Southern, says that he has attended the seminars in the past.

“They past seminars were really informative. If I have time from work, I’d go again. They all were pretty good,” Llleras said.

Every session will be held in room 1109 in the Biological Sciences building unless it is stated otherwise.