President Hebert talks Georgia Southern and Armstrong merger

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Ashley Jones

President Hebert addressed possible sanctions, such as tuition increase, due to the consolidation of Georgia Southern University and Armstrong State University (ASU) last Wednesday during an SGA meeting.

On Wednesday, Feb. 15, President Hebert made an appearance at the SGA meeting to discuss any concerns students may have about the consolidation between ASU and GS. Hebert first reassured students that a recommendation had been made for current students to be able to finish working toward their degrees at their current institutions.

“We will have teach-out plans in place so that students will have the opportunity to complete their degrees on exactly the campus they’re attending,” Hebert said.

He later addressed concerns for students attending ASU on athletic scholarships.

A recommendation is in works to honor any athletic scholarships awarded to students for the duration of that student’s eligibility as they are pursuing their academic position, according to Hebert.

However, none of these recommendations have been approved.

During the SGA meeting, students who were not members of the Senate were given the opportunity to direct any concerns they had to the president. A concern among many students was whether the cost of attendance would increase or decrease because of the consolidation.

Hebert reiterated that no sanctions have been put in place regarding the tuition.

“I doubt if the cost of attendance for students will decrease,” Hebert said.

Patrice Buckner Jackson, Dean of Students, disclosed that only two sanctions have been put in place because of the consolidation. The first sanction is that Hebert will be the president of the new institution, and the second being that the new institution will be named Georgia Southern University, according to a report made by Hebert to Jackson.

Jackson described a recent meeting held at the ASU campus that involved attendees from GS as well as ASU.

“We’ve been encouraged to develop operational work groups, and these work groups will begin working together to make recommendations,” Jackson said.

Jackson also disclosed that the consolidation is on a tight timeline, so changes will occur quickly. She stresses that no changes have been put in place other than the name and president, because students’ input of both ASU and GS is wanted.

“My hope is that students will get involved, that they will talk to SGA,” Jackson said. “I encourage students to bring those concerns and bring those questions to SGA, so that [questions] can be taken to the committee.”

Jackson encourages students to stay updated with the consolidation by visiting the consolidation website, which can be located here.