Let’s Talk about Those Supplements

Alexandria Richbourg

This Thursday, Health Services at Georgia Southern will be hosting their “The Myth behind the Milk” event that will inform students about the hidden myths and truths about dietary supplements and how they are to be used properly.

“We want to expose students to the consequences and for them to be more aware of the facts and myths about dietary supplements,” Marcus Nesbitt, graduate assistant for health services and officer in health education and promotion, said.

The energy drink you consume to give you that boost to go to class when you have studied all night for the exam you have to pass or that protein supplement you put in your beverage to help you bulk up because you want to achieve that spring break body you can show off on the beach are all examples of supplements that are used often by college students.

“You have all these other enhancements that people use, not just for physical activity but weight loss supplements also. We want students to be more knowledgeable and aware of these things, the effects that they can have on the body, both positive and negative,” Nesbitt said.

Dietary supplements seem to be the easy go-to when you want fast results for your body. Everyone wants to be physically fit and healthy or maybe you just want to get a boost of energy to keep you going throughout the day. Some people go great lengths to achieve these goals, then there are others who do little things occasionally to achieve those goals as well.

Sadia Yansaneh, said, “I personally do not agree with dietary supplements. I think that the best way to do anything is through hard work. You know, limiting your food size and just watching different things that you’re eating.”

Although dietary supplements are easy and sometimes fast-acting, these supplements are not always the healthiest choices.

“I think it would be great to have this event here on campus. I took health here already and I don’t really remember on us really touching on that and if we did, it might have been brief because otherwise I would have remembered,” Danyelle Gaines, junior journalism major, said.

If you would like to get more information about dietary supplements, the good and the bad and clear up those crazy myths that come with them, come to “The Myth behind the Milk” event and learn something new!

It will be held in the Russell Union Commons on Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.