You never know what you will find at the Rotunda

Peyton Callanan

We’ve all been there. That moment when you pick up some Starbucks before heading to your Biology lab and you decide to walk past the Rotunda on your way to class only to come across groups of students eagerly trying to get your attention with flyers and signup sheets for their various organizations or events. You try to avoid making any sort of awkward eye contact with the other students in an effort to escape hearing about how you should totally join this club or come out to this super cool thing they are planning.

Anyone who has ever been heavily involved in a student organization has probably been on the other side of this situation at least once though. Between the two clubs I am involved in and even a few of my classes, I have been that person awkwardly hoping you take the flyer more times than I can count. If I had a dollar for every time someone turned me down before I ever had a chance to say anything then you would probably be able to spot me at the Plaza as often as you can at the Rotunda (it’s a lot in case you were wondering).

I know that the Rotunda may sometimes seem like a black hole of overly enthusiastic students when you are running late to class and five different people try to stop you to tell you to vote for this or volunteer for that, but over the last several years it has become one of my favorite spots on campus.

Not only can you often score some free stuff from local businesses and organizations trying to buy your love, but the Rotunda is one of the only spots on campus where a wide variety of students can be seen together. On any given day you can find SGA members campaigning, ROTC students holding a bake sale, Student Media handing out our latest publication, and even some students hoping you will sign up to fight the next zombie apocalypse.

The Rotunda is the prime spot on campus to embrace and support the many unique organizations that are a part of the Georgia Southern community. You will never know what cool event or fun club you will discover by taking a second to hear what that student with the stack full of flyers in their hands has to say.

Callanan is a senior communication arts major from Chulutoa, Fl. She is the current Opinions Editor.