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The student led, student read news organization at Georgia Southern University

The George-Anne Media Group

The student led, student read news organization at Georgia Southern University

The George-Anne Media Group

How To Submit

Ready to start the conversation? We’re glad to have you.

The Reflector Community staff recommends you first read our letter to the community first, just so you have an idea of what this is all about.
Reflector Magazine is the premier Georgia Southern student lifestyle magazine. It’s our mission to showcase GSU’s unique college experience, so what better way to do that than to get you involved! We are now accepting pitches for student blogs about some of our favorite topics.
[accordion title=”Some topic include:” close=”0″]
Entertainment | Pop Culture
Reflections (Personal Essays)
Social Justice[/accordion]

What makes a good pitch?

Keep it clean.
Try to leave the F-Bombs at Gnat’s for when you just miss Happy Hour.
Keep it local.
This post needs to be relevant to GSU students. College focus is important.
Keep it inspired.
Express yourself and what’s important to you. We want to hear YOUR voice!
Keep it smart.
We know you’re inspired, just let us know you’re informed as well.
Keep it away from an open letter.
Your Facebook feed will thank you.

[quote] Reflector Community Content Policy

If you send it, we’ll read it. If you don’t hear from us in 48 hours, please don’t hesitate to check in. We’re students too, so sometimes things fall through the cracks.
We reserve the right to not accept submissions that are unnecessarily offensive or inappropriate.
If you have questions about our content policy, please don’t hesitate to send us an email.
What do you do now? Simply fill out this form and you’re good to go! [/quote]

Reflector Community Submission Process

Congrats on getting accepted! Here’s how this is gonna go down:
1. Send us your finished post as soon as possible. Check for spelling/grammar errors. If there is anything glaring, we will send it back with comments.
2. If you have images you would like to use in your submission, attach them with your post. However, make sure you only attach images you have ownership to.
3. Double check that the article you send is the final draft. Trust us, it happens more than you think.
4. Once everything is complete, we will let you know when you’re scheduled to be posted!
Thanks again for taking the time to share your voice with us.