No rape occurred at Kappa Sigma

Jennifer Curington

A sexual assault that allegedly occurred at the Kappa Sigma house last semester was recently found to be false.

An 18-year-old female filed a report on the evening of Nov. 3 claiming to have been imprisoned, raped and sodomized at the Kappa Sigma house located on Olympic Boulevard, also known as Greek Row, for two hours beginning at 2 p.m. that day. She told officers that two men were the ones that assaulted her.

On Feb. 7 Matison Stevens was arrested by Georgia Southern University Public Safety and charged with filing a false report.

“It’s false report of a crime. So if someone makes something up or falsifies a report of a crime, and we can prove that, then they’re generally going to be charged with the false report of a crime,” Chief Mike Russell, director of public safety, said.

Russell did confirm that his office had proof that Stevens’ claim did not happen. The case against Stevens is still pending, so information is limited.

Last week an article ran in The George-Anne about reported rapes on GSU’s campus within the last few years, and a graphic that went along with the article showed what locations the reported rapes had occurred at. The Kappa Sigma house was featured in the graphic due to Stevens’ report.

The social app YikYak, which allows users to post anything they want anonymously for other users in the area, saw several posts about the character of Kappa Sigma and its members after the graphic was published.