Fuddy Meers promises a night of mayhem

Matt Sowell

Foul-mouthed puppets, bacon and a masked man with a lisp will take audiences on an insane ride in the Center for Arts and Theatre (CAT.)

“Fuddy Meers” will be performed in the CAT Feb. 26 through March 5, student tickets are $5, community tickets are $10 and all shows begin at 7:30 p.m. with a matinee on Sunday, March 2, at 2 p.m.

“Clair has amnesia,” said Nicholas Newell, the director of the show. “She doesn’t know who she is, every time she goes to sleep she completely loses sight of anything. She has to rely on other people to tell her what’s going on in her world and those change periodically because everybody else in the play either has a communication dysfunction or they’re an unreliable narrator.”

The title “Fuddy Meers” is actually a mispronunciation of “Funny Mirrors.” The title is a metaphor for how we laugh at the distorted and dark nature of the show, Newell said.

“It’s a twisted look at relatively serious issues that you sort of have to take a step back from in order to find it funny” said Newell.

“The thing that I really admire about this play is that yeah, it’s serious stuff thrown at you in a comedic way, but it also gets your attention because you laugh and then you stop and think ‘Wow, did I really laugh at that?’ and then you go home and think about it again. It’s just ridiculous, the whole thing that unfolds, and it’s like a parallel to what people hide, it really happens, and it can be overlooked as not a big deal,” said Victoria Yates, who plays Heidi in the show.

Marissa Carey, who is playing the lead role of Claire, said, “My favorite moment is when I drop the F-bomb. It’s awkward to play someone with memory issues because in person I remember things so it’s different getting to play someone who has no memory.”

The show is a kaleidoscope of mayhem and chaos. “You’re meant to be kept on your toes as the chaos ensues” Newell said.