GSU fashion organizations to bring decades of fashion

Rashida Otunba

Throwback Thursday may be an Instagram reference, but tonight Blaqshion and D.I.M.E.S. will host “Throwback Thursday,” a show showcasing fashions from the past.

The fashion show will be in the Williams Center at 7 p.m.

“Throwback Thursday” will feature fashion performances from models wearing outfits from different eras.

“It’s ranging from scenes to the nineteen twenties to the modern era of fashion. The show will have suspenders and top hats to converse to neon clothes and everything in between,” Nakia Mason, vice president of the Black Student Alliance and junior marketing and criminal justice major, said.

It is not your average fashion show. Models will look authentic to the era they are representing, from the hair to the clothes to the makeup, Tijuana Bess, fashion designer for Blaqshion and senior fashion merchandising and apparel design major, said.

Each performance will feature an opening act, which will include a dance routine and music piece from each respective era, ranging from old-school tunes to contemporary hits.

“This is going to be one of our biggest collaborations. The entire show is extravagant. Be ready for a lot of personality in each scene,” Raven Taylor, vice president of D.I.M.E.S. and senior business administration major, said.

Although Blaqshion hosts an annual show in the spring, they have collaborated with D.I.M.E.S. for the first time to present a fall show this year.

“We’re putting on this show for the fun of Homecoming week and it’s our first show of the year. It’s something different for homecoming and it’s something everyone can come out and enjoy,” Shatone Cherry, president of the Black Student Alliance and junior child and family development major, said.

The event will consist of five scenes with 20 to 30 models showcasing the designs of various stylists from D.I.M.E.S. and Blaqshion.

“It’s sort of like a history lesson of the fashion and entertainment of each era. The fact that the BSA is hosting this event and bringing out the crowds is the best part. Since this isn’t a historically black college, it’s important that we leave our footprint on this campus,” Bess said.

Tickets for the event are $5 in advance and $7 at the door. For students who bring canned goods, the tickets will cost $5 and the goods will be donated to the Statesboro Food Bank.