Our View: Students should care about safety


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Board of Opinions

Last night, SGA and GSUPD hosted a forum so that students could ask questions and get answers about the Eagle Alerts system and the issues concerning it. The student body of Georgia Southern University showed up to the tune of 30 students. It seems that students are far too passive to ask the administration questions about the problems that the Eagle Alerts experience in regards to the timing of the warnings. Multiple times, an Eagle Alert was sent hours after a crime has occurred in areas of student concern, much too late for it to be effective as a student warning system.

Though the system itself has problems, the lack of student concern is especially troubling. This alert system is in place to protect students and keep them aware of danger on and around campus. When it is not working to its optimum capacity, students are at risk. However, students do not seem to care about their personal safety or the risks that are inherent when alerts are sent out too late. Most students seem fine to accept that these crimes happen, as long as they do not happen near them or to them. It is frightening to think of what may happen due to a delayed Eagle Alert, and even more frightening to think that a tragedy might be the only thing to cause students to care. Be preemptive, GSU, get your Eagle Alerts working.