Our View: Voting process needs to be clear
October 2, 2013
The University Programming Board should be clearer about the role of the student vote in the selection of the spring concert artist. Right now it is unclear what the role of the student vote is in determining the artist. Simple clarification by the UPB on how the vote will be used and the other factors associated with each artists can give students a more secure feeling that their vote will be taken seriously.
When Georgia Southern University students vote, it should mean something. Whether the students are voting for SGA representatives or even the Homecoming Court, the student vote is the only deciding factor in declaring the winner. However, when students vote on the artist for the spring concert, their vote is only one of many variables determining who is coming to campus. While the logistics and budget constraints of getting an artist to come to GSU provides significant and unavoidable factors in determining the spring concert artist, the student vote should still be one of the primary factors.
Having a strong student vote is also a good way for student participation in these elections to increase. Students are much less likely to vote for an artist to come to campus if they feel like their vote does not matter in the final decision.
UPB should clarify the role of the student vote and make sure that the students’ vote is well represented.