Our View: Eagle Nations shows true colors
September 9, 2013
When two Georgia Southern University students helped their fellow Eagles after a terrible car crash over Labor Day weekend, they showed what everyone at GSU hopes to exemplify by being there for fellow human beings and students in a tough time. Afterwards when the victims of the crash tried to find their fellow Eagles to thank them, the student body was able to spread the news and the two parties have been reunited. The student reaction to this story was one of the most uplifting things witnessed on this campus in quite some time. Facebook posts and tweets offering support for the victims and trying to connect the two parties showed the Eagle Nation’s true colors.
Many students do not know each other when they come to GSU from various schools in different counties, states and even countries. However, being a part of this school has a way of binding us together into a group of people who have a genuine bond between them that shows itself most visibly when its members are going through difficult times. This is part of the small-feel aspect of the school that oftentimes gets overlooked, especially with increasing class and building sizes all across campus.
GSU students deserve a pat on the back for their exemplary work in bringing the crash victims and heroes together and offering support and encouragement to those involved. The true blue of the Eagle Nation is showing and it could not be more beautiful.