Eagle Dining hosts job fair

Ashley Cravey

Eagle Dining Services hosted a job fair Tuesday in the Russell Union ballroom, providing students with on-campus jobs in the food services department.

The job fair was primarily meant to hire students with new open positions in Eagle Dining for the fall 2013 semester. There were some jobs that were open for the summer term as well.

“We had over three hundred students attend this job fair,” Michael Murphy, marketing coordinator for Eagle Dining Services, said.

A majority of the students were hired at the job fair, Demetrius Bynes, director of employment services, said.

Eagle Dining Services manages the on-campus restaurants, dining halls, vending machines and concession stands.

The positions listed consisted of mostly of part-time positions, the others that were listed were full-time.

Each dining location was looking for a certain amount of positions to fill including cashiers, dishwashers, courtesy clerks and more, Murphy said.

“I didn’t know people were being hired on the spot, which was pretty cool,” Lorenzo Perry, freshman marketing major, said.

Students were to bring a resume, Eagle ID and dress professionally to the job fair.

“With a job fair format, the students get to come out and showcase their communication skills and interact with professionals,” Bynes said.

The job fair shows students how easy it is to get a job, Courtney Pledger, senior human resources management major, said.

Job fairs increase with students each semester and with the expansion of Lakeside and Landrum opening in the fall, more students are needed.

Murphy said that Eagle Dining is still processing applications, which will take some time.

Megan George contributed to this report.