Georgia Southern to send out test Eagle Alert
An Eagle Alert is the university’s emergency system that sends messages through a student or staff member’s university email, a phone call or text message.
September 23, 2020
STATESBORO — To ensure it is working at full capacity to better serve the campus community, Georgia Southern University will be testing the EAGLE ALERT system tomorrow with a broadcasted test emergency alert over all channels and across all GSU campuses.
The test emergency alert will be broadcast tomorrow, September 24, at approximately 1:50 p.m.
The EAGLE ALERT system is designed to help keep the faculty, staff, visitors, and students of GSU safe in times of crisis, and to ensure it maintains that role, a test of its functionality is regularly issued by the university
The upcoming test will be sent out to GS’ Statesboro, Savannah, and Hinesville campuses, and will be sent out in the form of emails, phone calls, and text messages. GS also plans to test their emergency hotline phone number to ensure it is working properly as well.
A test emergency announcement is also scheduled to appear on a variety of University webpages, including the GS homepage, the University Alert Center’s website, and GS’ various social media accounts. Desktop notifications will also appear on all University computers.
The University implores people to remember that this is merely a test of the system and that an emergency has not actually taken place. Students are also encouraged to update their contact information and review the emergency communication channels that will be used to transmit the alert.
All students will automatically receive alerts from all three campuses, but they have the option to refrain from receiving alerts from up to two of them by changing their preferences under “Emergency Messaging Options” on their myGeorgiaSouthern page. They cannot, however, opt out of notifications from their primary campus.
For more information on or questions about the communication, please contact University Communications and Marketing at 912-478-6397. For technical difficulties or troubleshooting with updating emergency messaging options on myGeorgiaSouthern, please contact myTechSupport at 912-478-2287 or