Georgia Southern alumnus to perform in “Legally Blonde” musical on March 4

  • Eric Spencer, a recent GS alumnus will be performing at the PAC Monday as part of the orchestra for “Legally Blonde.” Spencer graduated from GS with a Bachelor of Arts in music.


Bisola Oke

A Georgia Southern University alumnus will be coming to Statesboro as part of an orchestra to perform in the musical “Legally Blonde” Monday.

Eric Spencer, an award-winning trombonist, graduated from GS in 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts in music.

“Playing at the PAC again is like getting really great dinner with an old friend,” Spencer said in a press release. “I was super excited when I found out that Statesboro was on the tour itinerary, and I can’t wait to perform in the PAC one more time.”

Legally Blonde will be performed on campus at the PAC at 7:30 pm. The musical follows the same concept as the movie of the same name, “Legally Blonde.”

Bisola Oke, The George-Anne Daily Reporter,