Armstrong State University has begun the process of Master Planning. What that means is that the University is putting together a report on the state of the University. The Master Planning Committee, made up of faculty, staff and students, is looking at the condition of Armstrong’s infrastructure and developing a strategic, long-term plan for improvements, renovations and potentially new physical space.
On Monday, Feb. 1, the Master Planning Committee hosted a focus group forum where students from campus were able to voice their opinions on what the development plan should focus on and include.
The room was nearly packed with students from all sectors of interests. Hosting planners from the development group Sasaki opened the floor for students to give ideas on space uses and needs. Overwhelmingly, the main topics of discussion were enhanced and increased campus safety ranging from lighting to security cameras to increased visibility of campus police.
Fortunately, the first two initiatives are currently either in the planning phase or the waiting-for-arrival phase and thus, campus administration is moving forward on the two big issues. Issues also addressed were: lack of parking and excessive unused faculty spots near University Hall, lack of adequate social space on campus in both the main area and in housing, poor utilization of already existing space (i.e., unused or exclusive computer labs), space for student groups to mingle and have designated work space, residence hall maintenance, small size of eating areas and learning commons and accessibility for disabled individuals.
The planning committee has noted the topics discussed and will consider them for the master plan.