Featuring the works of: Kim Crabtree, Haley Geller, Holly Nance, Elizabeth Rhaney, and CC Witt.
Armstrong State University
Fine Arts Gallery,
11935 Abercorn Street,
Savannah, GA 31419
Exhibit Reception March 25, 2016
Armstrong presents the first ever, independent graphic design exhibition, Bazaar Conceptions, featuring the works of senior designers, Holly Nance, Cc Witt, Haley Geller, Kim Crabtree, and Elizabeth Rhaney. This exhibition will exemplify the outstanding strengths that Armstrong’s emergent graphic design department produces.
Kim Crabtree explores the visual possibilities of layout design through using cool colors and sharp grids.
Haley Geller is inspired by her clients and audience, often creating visual calls to action.
Holly Nance enjoys designing shareable work, like postcards and greeting cards, which can spread human connections between people.
Elizabeth Rhaney blends a wide range of cultural and historical influences to create work that often comments on social issues.
CC Witt fuses her passion for music and graphic design to make custom artwork and promotion for several bands, including her own.
Together, these students show a diversity of styles that unite into one, unique, market- like show. Savannah, GA – The Armstrong Department of Art, Music and Theater (AMT) For Armstrong AMT program or department information, please call the department at 912.344.2556 during normal weekday business hours.