Katherine Scheuering, Staff Writer
On Thursday, Oct. 26, the Office of International Education held a Fall Open House in their office in Gamble 110. Snacks from around the world greeted students as they entered the event: hummus with pretzels and pita chips, Mexican Guava paste, a tray of French and Italian cookies, and Japanese Pocky breadsticks. Dr. Mertz, the Director of International Education, taught students that filtered in how to make an origami frog toy and quizzed us on Japanese language trivia.
The Office for International Education is the center for study abroad information. As Director Dr. Mertz said, “We are the key to the world.”
Students took flyers and chatted about upcoming trips over plates of food. There were even students present from our campus that is in Spain. Charlotte Biscotti, a senior Criminal Justice major from France, loves the nightlife and all there is to do in Savannah.
David Probst, a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering, loves how different the landscape is here compared to Germany: “I love Spanish moss, I’ve never seen anything like that before.” The goal of their office, Dr. Mertz explained, is to encourage Armstrong students to experience more culture. Whether that’s through attending International Education events, mentoring an international student, or studying abroad, they want to help students achieve those goals. International Education Week coming up in November is a perfect chance to get a taste of some different cultures. Monday, Nov. 13 is the annual “Taste of the World” event where students and faculty prepare foods from different countries. Starting at noon out in the Residential Plaza, this event is the perfect excuse to change up your lunch routine with some international cuisine and learn something about those cultures while you’re at it. Also on Nov. 13, in the Residential. Plaza, starting at 1:30 p.m., is the International Fashion Show. Student models will showcase traditional fashion from around the world throughout the Taste of the World event.
Tuesday, Nov. 14, there will be a film showing in the Ogeechee Theater at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15 will feature “International Cafe: Thailand,” which is an exhibition on the country’s food and culture presented by an international student at Armstrong held in University Hall at 1 p.m. That night, at 6 p.m. in the Compass Point Clubhouse is an International Game Night – go and learn what games they play around the world! To learn more about these events go to armstrong.edu/events, or pop into the office of International Education. They’ll be happy to give you info about upcoming cultural events, mentoring an international student, or how a study abroad trip could fit into your major.