Student Government Association convention to be held in Statesboro Saturday

Nathan Weaver

Student Government Association representatives from the Armstrong, Liberty and Statesboro campuses of Georgia Southern University will be gathering to hold an SGA convention and joint senate meeting Saturday.

SGA President Jarvis Steele spoke at length on the convention at Wednesday’s Statesboro SGA senate meeting, reminding and encouraging Statesboro’s student representatives to attend.

“The SGA convention is the opportunity for both senates to come together and pass legislation that’s good for both campuses, or legislation that’s university-wide,” Steele said. “The previous legislation we’ve seen has been campus-based legislation, to deal with specific issues on each individual campus.”

Steele affirmed that any legislation confirmed by the joint senate will be passed constitutionally and bring about constitutional change which affects all three GS campuses.

“I just hope the convention brings about legislation that both campuses really think is good for the senate as a whole,” Steele said. “I hope that we work a little bit more together with one another, and you know, just work really hard for the Student Government Association holistically, university-wide.”

Armstrong speaker Tyler Tyack said he plans to propose the same resolution that was voted down at the last SGA meeting on Feb. 20.

The SGA convention will be open to the public and is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 2, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Nathan Weaver, The George-Anne News Reporter,