Letter from the Editor: Welcome back, Miscellany Magazine for the Arts!

Education Costs

Blakeley Bartee

We’ve done it, folks. Miscellany is back.

Well, we got into the website, at least. And we’ve posted our new submissions guidelines, available for your viewing pleasure here.

For those of you who do not regularly peruse the Student Media archives and despair for print products lost, Miscellany Magazine for the Arts (soon to be re-branded, possibly, as The George-Anne Miscellany), was a decades-old publication that accepted creative works from Georgia Southern University students. In 2015, Miscellany got its very own website and went fully digital – but one year later, the magazine went on a hiatus.

Christina McKinley is the new editor for Miscellany, and together, we’re working hard to bring it back. Though we’re not currently considering a print edition, we’re excited to revive the magazine’s online presence and publish excellent student work.

My first major is writing & linguistics. I’m well acquainted with the literary community at GS, and listen – it’s thriving. While I can’t speak for other artistic communities here, I’m awed by the wonderful art GS students create. We want to serve students by providing a platform to showcase student work.

I can’t stress this enough: Eagles, we can’t do it without you. Keep creating, keep writing. When you’re ready to share your work with the world, please remember us. We want your photography, poetry, art, fiction, fashion, essays – any artistic medium you use to express yourself and exercise your creativity.

Just don’t feel intimidated, because we’re students, too. Like you, we’re still learning and developing our own creative skills. If you’re ready, please follow our submissions guidelines and send your work to miscellany@georgiasouthern.edu.

Best wishes,

Blakeley Bartee
