Letter from Jabari Gibbs, Digital EIC
Letter from Jabari Gibbs, Digital EIC
By Jabari Gibbs
Hello, my name is Jabari Gibbs, I am your new Editor-in-Chief for Digital Publication and Daily News. I am a sophomore majoring in communication studies.
I am thrilled to start this next semester and deliver the most accurate and up to date news for here on the Armstrong Campus.
And simply put my loyalty and commitment is to you (our readers) I am dedicated to deliver the truth and put all the relevant information that is happening around campus.
I am also encouraging an open level of communication, if you want something covered or think something is important, please feel free to email me at jg29855@georgiasouthern.edu or even approach me and you could even come to the Inkwell office here in the Memorial College Center.
Ultimately, I’ll let our coverage speak for itself since I subscribe to the notion of talk is cheap.

An award-winning senior Communications major from Atlanta, Georgia, Jabari is passionate about bringing diverse perspectives to the news. He has been with...
tricia noone • Jan 11, 2022 at 2:27 pm
Welcome, Jabari!