The Great Debate: Is the Electoral College Still Relevant?

Amir Alexander

Some participants of The Great Debate.

On Wednesday, February 9th the Georgia Southern NAACP Chapter at Armstrong held a debate regarding the Electoral College.

The room was split. On one end sat a group who very strongly felt that the Electoral College was no longer relevant. At the other side of the room, arguments were made for its reliability.

Those who called for a restructuring of the voting system pointed out that the Electoral College does not always consider the popular opinions of the public. Members of the EC do not always reflect the diverse demographics or interests of the state they represent.

One participant referenced Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s stance on the matter. In 2019, the representative took to Twitter, stating that the EC’s power shouldn’t be greater than the people’s opinion. “The EC makes it so a handful of states DO determine elections.”

Another participant in favor of the EC agreed that steps could be taken to rework our current voting system, but held strongly on the belief that popular opinion shouldn’t be the only deciding factor in America. Furthermore, a lack of voting and candidate literacy could greatly impact the numbers.

The moderator of the event, Bryce Bermudez, is a Sophomore Writing and Linguistics major. Bermudez is also the Parliamentarian of the NAACP Chapter at Armstrong Campus. “I think that we often criticize specific politicians or specific parties but we don’t criticize our systems that much,” he told me. “If you look at if from a voters perspective, it’s like ‘why would I vote if I’m not being represented anyway?’’’

The group has no plans for future debates, but Bermudez is open to the idea. “It’s definitely helpful, getting people together, to care about it, to research it,” he told me. “So I think we could do it again. But as of now, no plans.”

Students may visit @Armstrong_NAACP on Instagram for more information on upcoming NAACP events.