Inkwell Who Are You?

Photo of a present

Photo taken from google images under the “creative commons license”.

Hello Georgia Southern Armstrong! Welcome to a new survey response segment we will be starting up called “Who Are You?”. Where we will be asking you! The audience and students on campus survey-based questions wanting to get a better understanding of you all!

We’ll be interested in asking any type of questions as long as it’s appropriate and are looking forward to you all submitting questions you want us to ask as well. Last Thursday, we sent our Inkwell Staff out to ask students and staff this question,

“What is the nicest thing someone has done for you? How did that make you feel?”

As a result, we garnered 17 responses, with each response being its own individual response. With one being goofy, others being sincere, and a couple reminiscing about a flashback of when a stranger helped that person when they were in need of help. To list a few,

“I felt butterflies in my tummy and the neurons in my brain were firing. I made happiness noises”

“One of the nicest things that have been done to me is when I say my mom pulls me to the side randomly throughout the year to really check on how I’m doing. With that being mentally, spiritually, or education-wise. I feel really comforted because it really shows she actually cares about me going through tough times and not just trying to push me through obstacles in life without wondering how I feel.”

“Last year, when I was a freshman, I twisted my ankle during my soccer class and didn’t have any friends to take me to the emergency room. I had to hop to the lobby in windward commons to ask the front desk for help. They sent campus police to escort me to the clinic on campus to get it checked out. I had to hop on one foot from the parking lot to the clinic only for them to tell me they couldn’t do anything to help me (it was a couple of minutes till they closed for the day). Did I mention it was pouring rain? Long story short, when I was hopping back to the squad car (extremely miserable from the pain and from the rain soaking me) a random guy saw me struggling, picked me up bridal style, and brought me to the squad car with no hesitation. that’s simultaneously the closest thing I’ll ever get to living my fairytale life and the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”