A Day in the Life of a Rescue Pup

Evelyn Spear, Photo Editor

  • Ellie begins her day with breakfast in her special bowl. She eats out of a bowl that is designed to help her slow down while eating.

  • Juliana Hursey, a psychology major, puts a harness on Ellie as they prepare for the car ride. “Ellie is anxious about collars and leashes because she was abused in the past,” says Juliana. “She is a lot more comfortable with the harness because it puts less pressure on her neck.”

  • Ellie waits for Juliana to give her a treat after putting on her harness. Positive reinforcement like treats and belly rubs help to ease Ellie’s anxiety with the harness.

  • Ellie jumps into Juliana’s car as they prepare for an adventure. Ellie likes car rides because Juliana takes her to fun places like the dog park, Petco, or Starbucks.

  • Ellie waits patiently while Juliana orders her coffee. “She sits in the seat like she’s a human,” says Juliana. “It’s the cutest thing!”

  • Clay Cady, the barista, hands a pup cup to Juliana. Pup cups are small cups of whipped cream that Starbucks gives to dogs as a treat.

  • Ellie licks the side of the cup. Ellie is eager to eat her pup cup, but she knows she has to wait until Juliana says that its okay.

  • Ellie finishes off the pup cup and makes a small mess. Juliana pulled into a parking space while Ellie ate the pup cup so that she wasn’t worried about the mess while driving.

  • Ellie watches while Juliana cleans whipped cream off the car’s center console. Ellie even offered some help by licking up the largest of the spills.

  • Juliana moves to the back seat to clean Ellie’s face. She gently wiped Ellie’s nose with a baby wipe until it was clean.

  • Ellie relaxes in the back seat while Juliana drives home. She had an exciting adventure and now she was ready to go home and take a nap!

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