The A-Z’s of Georgia Southern University

  • The Russell Union is a popular pit stop for students in between classes, but can get full very quickly. One app that can sometimes help the with the crowds is Tapingo, which you can order food and drinks through your phone.


Tandra Smith

Every fall, loads of high school and transfer students make their way down to Statesboro to begin or continue their college career here at Georgia Southern University. Yes, you’re all moved in, your parents are gone and you’re on campus but now what’s this about a Landrum? Who’s Chalk Guy? What is the PAC, the RAC and Club Hendy? All these questions and more will be answered in this A-Z comprehensive guide to all things Georgia Southern University.

is for ArtsFest, GS’ annual arts festival held on Sweetheart Circle. Formerly hosted by the art department at GS, the Statesboro-Bulloch County Parks and Recreation is now in charge of it. The all-day arts festival is home to local artists selling their artwork, tables for people to create their own artwork, as well as local food vendors and local musicians.

B is for buses, three of them to be exact. The Gold Route, Blue Route and Sweetheart Shuttle can end up being your best friend or your worst nightmare. The Gold Route has stops by the Russell Union, the Forest Drive Building, and the Engineering Building before heading to the Recreation Activity Center. The Gold Route ends at Paulson Stadium. The Blue Route stops at the University Bookstore, the Forest Drive Building and the Engineering Building before heading off campus to Cambridge and finally Eagle Village. The Sweetheart Shuttle is much shorter than the Gold Route and the Blue Route. The shuttle goes from the stadium to the Nursing and Chemistry Building before ending at Sanford Hall.

C is for Chalk Guy, a man who uses chalk to draw the impossible. His creations can typically be seen on the sidewalk near the on-campus Starbucks. From creatures and animals straight out of a fantasy novel to simple club or organization announcements, whenever you catch Chalk Guy chalking, make sure to grab a picture.

D is for Dean of Students, located upstairs on the second floor of the Russell Union. The Dean of Students’ office deals with everything that could affect a student. The office’s job is to make sure that every student at GS feels safe and is safe.

E is for Eagle Creek, home of that good ‘ol Eagle Creek water. Nestled between the football practice fields, Erk Russell, one of the most beloved football coaches in GS’ history, saw something special in the creek. From then on, the creek became known as “Beautiful Eagle Creek” where players and other prominent GS figures would get “baptized” in its waters.

F is for Freedom, our lovable eagle mascot who calls the Wildlife Center his home. After a beak injury prevented Freedom from going back into the wild, he found a new purpose. He flies during home football games as well as graduation.

G is for GUS, our GS mascot. GUS oozes True Blue spirit whenever he takes the field during football games, takes the court during basketball games or just walks around at the Rotunda during homecoming week.

H is for homecoming, one of the most important weeks of the semester. The GS community gathers together to celebrate all of Southern’s history and traditions all week. From reunions to special events to a parade on Sweetheart Circle, homecoming week is the week that alumni, students and the Statesboro community all come together to realize why we are all at GS.

I is for the Interdisciplinary Building, GS’ newest building on campus. Construction on the building began early last year and is just about done and ready for students to move in and attend classes. This building will host classes currently held in the Forest Drive building, as well as interior design, fashion merchandising, apparel design and other classes.

J is for Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, one of nine colleges GS has. The College of Public Health has majors that focus on health education and promotions and prepares you to identify health problems in countries, research health trends and much more.

K is for Kiwanis Ogeechee Fair, which takes place every October at the Kiwanis Ogeechee Fair Ground here in Statesboro. This fair is a Statesboro staple, where people from all over go to enjoy the day’s long events with rides and greasy but delicious food. They also host an annual students night where students can get into the fair for free, but it gets crowded quickly, so go early if you can.

L is for Landrum, otherwise known as The Dining Commons. The Dining Commons hasn’t always been as big as it is now. A few years ago, it was known as the Landrum Dining Commons, which was way smaller and only held 400 people compared to now over 1,000, according to WTOC. Landrum has since been dropped from The Dining Commons’ name, but it’s rare to find somebody who actually calls it by that. Landrum or die.

M is for Migos, the infamous group who headlined of our last spring concert back in 2015. The trio got arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of firearms after performing around 30 minutes of what was supposed to be at least a 45-minute set. Offset, whose real name is Kiari Cephus, was the last to be released in late 2015. According to WSB-TV, the judge ultimately sentenced Offset to five years probation, a $1,000 fine plus other charges and banishment from Bulloch, Effingham, Screven and Jenkins counties. Long live our spring concert.

N is for Nickel, who is our current Interim President of GS. Interim President Shelley Nickel previously served as executive vice chancellor for strategy and fiscal affairs, as well as treasurer for the Board of Regents, according to her online biography on the President’s page. A nationwide search for our next president is set to begin sometime this semester.

O is for Office of Student Activities, which is in charge of all the programming events you will see on campus. From Welcome Week to Homecoming Week, this office handles everything that has to do with student events on campus. Their office is in the Williams Center, as well as the University Programming Board, a student organization that helps the OSA plan these events.

P is for the Pedestrium, aka, the long stretch of walkway from one end of campus to the other. The Pedestrium’s peak times tend to be between 11-2, when people are going from one class to another. The Pedestrium starts near the Rotunda and goes all the way down to the Nursing/Chemistry Building. Many days there are student organizations and other groups trying to hand you flyers or ask you questions, but there are many other days where you can take a walk down the Pedestrium and enjoy some time to yourself.

Q is for quiet floor, which is on the third floor of the Henderson Library, nicknamed Club Hendy. This floor, along with the entire fourth floor is a quiet floor, which means that you aren’t allowed to talk or have your phone on in that section. The first and second floors allow normal conversation, just at a soft level. Many people find the fourth floor of the library to be a perfect spot to take a quick nap in between classes, especially during finals week.

R is RAC, the abbreviation for the Recreation Activity Center. This is where most people go to get their keys for the first time when living on campus, but the RAC is much more than that. Besides having two floors of equipment, a huge track and an indoor and outdoor pool, the RAC is also home to group fitness classes that you can go to free of charge. From yoga to kickboxing, there’s a class for every fitness and skill level.

S is for Statesboro, the little town you’ll call home for four (or five or six or seven) years. There’s much more to see than your dorm room, such as Downtown Statesboro, which hosts a variety of events on the Courtyard lawn every month. There’s Splash in the Boro, Statesboro’s water park, which has a student discount. Of course, there’s also the mall, affectionately called “The Small” due to the amount of stores inside of it. All in all, Statesboro has plenty to do if you know just where to look.

T is for Tapingo, an app that makes ordering food to go easier (or harder, depending on who you ask). Accepted at all dining locations on campus except for the Gus Mart in the Nursing and Chemistry Building, Tapingo allows you to order food and drinks to be ready for pickup. While sometimes you are able to bypass the long lines at food places, many times the Tapingo line is just as long as the regular line. It’s free to download the app and you are able to register your debit/credit card, as well as your Eagle ID so you can use your Dining Dollars, Eaglexpress or Budget Bucks.

U is for University Housing, overseer of the 12 residence halls we have at GS, seven of which are on the Statesboro campus. Ranging from Watson and Kennedy, which have more traditional style rooms, to Freedom’s Landing, which is apartment style, there really is a hall for everybody. Though most people move off campus after freshman year, University Villas, Centennial Place and Freedom’s Landing are available to upperclassmen. Each hall has its advantages and disadvantages, but University Housing tries to their hardest to make each one of them like home no matter how many years you stay there.

V is for varsity athletics, which we have 15 of. GS has nine female teams and six male teams, ranging from football to a women’s rifle team. Football and basketball are easily two of the most popular sports here, but many people love going to baseball and soccer games. No matter what game you go to, there’s plenty of True Blue spirit to be seen.

W is for Wells, short for Guy H. Wells, former GS president. Wells served as president for eight years and made such an impact on his time here, there’s a lake named after him. Lake Wells is one of the two lakes by Lakeside, where the Lakeside geese like to make their appearance from time to time.

X is for x-ray, just one of the many services Health Services provides for students. Located across from the Performing Arts Center, students are able to get prescriptions filled, get tested for HIV/STDs and much more.

Y is for yoga, one of the Group Fit classes offered at the RAC. From times ranging from early in the morning, there is a Group Fit class for just about every schedule. They are free of charge and located all throughout the RAC. Some will be more packed than others, but most classes do have a cap and once that cap is met, they can turn people away. To make sure you’re able to get in a class, be sure to come early.

Z is for Zaxby’s, founded by two Georgia Southern alumni. Tony Townley and Zach McLeroy were attending GS when the idea for what is now known as Zaxby’s was born. After much planning and cultivation, the very first Zaxby’s, named “Zax”, was opened in March of 1990. Fast forward 28 years later and Zaxby’s now has over 500 locations.