They’re All Skits and Giggles: The Last Laugh Improv Show

Duncan Sligh

Some members of The Last Laugh Improv Troupe

The Last Laugh Improv group held their semesterly performances in the International Gardens on the Armstrong Campus on April 21 and 22.

Hannah Dodson, a co-director of the improv troupe, led the group in five improvisation games, with different prompts that tested the performers’ wit and quick-thinking abilities.

The first game they played,“What are you doing,” involved one cast member performing physical pantomimes, followed by another member asking “What are you doing?”. The member performing the movements would then state that they were doing a task completely unrelated to their charade.

Audience members participated by suggesting scenarios and activities to the performers throughout the show. The last game involved the actors rapping in classic “Beastie Boys” style, giving clues about a specific rhyming word and prompting the audience to shout it out.

There are obvious differences between rehearsed comedy and improv comedy, the main one being that improvisation lacks a script. Logan Western, a Theatre major and a co-director of the troupe, said that although improv lacks structure, it can be less stressful than rehearsed comedy.

“With improv, if you go up there and it’s weird, you can count on someone to correct it. There isn’t a whole lot you can get wrong,” said Western.

Gabby Reilly, a freshman Communication Studies major, made her first appearance with the Last Laugh Improv Group this semester.

“My favorite part was getting to work with everyone in different locations and seeing how the dynamics changed each time with what we created,” said Reilly.

Both Western and Reilly recognized the creative freedom that comes with improv comedy as one of its many highlights.

Reilly and Western reflected on the troupe’s dynamics, remarking that the friendships between the members brings a level of ease to creating comedy.

“I think we’re all pretty close so we all get along. It brings a sort of comfort and relaxation to our rehearsals,” said Western.

Professor Karla Jennings attended the show and commended Dodson for her “stellar” job as a host and director during the performance.

“The weather was pleasantly cool, and the casual atmosphere in the International Garden almost made me forget everything I have to get done before the end of the semester,” said Jennings. “It was a fun and an enjoyable way to spend the evening.”

This program marks the end of this semester’s performances from the Armstrong Campus Theatre. The Armstrong Masquers will return in the Fall of 2022 and participation is open to all.