Georgia Southern Eagle’s True Blue Pride for the First Football Game of the Season
Carly Kennedy, Photojournalist|September 5, 2022
It is game-day in the Boro! One giveaway is all the trailers, tailgates, and people up at 8 am ready to cheer on their team!
Students line up ready to enter Paulson Stadium.
Friends get together and smile as they sit and watch the players warm up.
Students sell 50 cent raffle tickets that can be bought at the game with a smile!
Freshman, Pichon Wimbley, prays over the game as he starts for the first time in his football career.
Some students are painted up and ready to show their true blue spirit!
Georgia Southern cheer team rallies up the sidelines with stunts!
Gus is showing his USA pride during the national anthem.
The Georgia Southern football team sprint through the smoke as the fans cheer them on!
Future Georgia Southern football players pose in front of the GATA banner after talking to some of their favorite players!
Just the Eagle halftime hype from students in the student section!
Number 4, Tyler Bride, tackles number 10, Jalen Denton, after an amazing touchdown was scored!
GATA spirit is high when free t-shirts are being thrown into the stands.
GSU’s kicker, number 19, Alex Raynor, mentally prepares for what the second half has in store for him.
Fifth year wide receiver, Amare Jones, faces his opponent on an attack towards the end zone.
The Georgia Southern band plays the alma matter showing what it is like to be an eagle.
Students pose during the first quarter as the game is tied 7-7, spirits still high!
Friends and parents of the Georgia Southern football team get together for a selfie celebrating the first win of the season!
Players hold their helmets high as the band plays and the stadium roars with celebration.
Scoreboard showing the 59-7 blow out victory against Morgan State for the first game of the season.
Cindy Mitchell • Sep 8, 2022 at 9:33 am
great pictures!!