Peace out, Georgia Southern

  • Mosley is a senior public relations major and sociology minor from Stockbridge, Georgia. Mosley works for The Circle. 


“What doesn’t kill you make you stronger.” This year I have overcome the biggest obstacle of my life…Being pregnant. Never in a million years did I think I would be pregnant during my senior year of college, but it turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me. My baby girl is literally the greatest feeling in life. I was motivated before to graduate, but my baby girl motivated me even more to graduate this semester! I have accomplished so much this year, a lot of things that I didn’t even think possible. From joining the absolute greatest sorority in the world, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. to having a mini ball of perfection that is my child! This has been a year of learning indefinitely. I have learned so much about myself.

Being at Georgia Southern has taught me many things. From chugging a beer to planning a campaign start to finish. I’m grateful for the experience and thankful for the memories. During my time here I’ve met some of the most amazing people and some of them have become like family to me. I am forever grateful for that. Now it is time for me to close this chapter of my life and open a new one, “Learning How to be an Adult and Mother”.

One piece of advice, do not be afraid of stepping out your comfort zone. Some of my favorite memories came from doing stuff I would not normally do. Second piece of advice, failures and mistakes happen. It is apart of life and college. They are meant for you to learn from them. Third piece of advice, when you see me cross that stage just know I did for myself, my baby girl, and my family. Peace out and HAIL SOUTHERN!