Club Spotlight: IT Professionals

Anna Claire Edenfield, Managing Editor

The IT Professionals Club invites students of any major to build connections, gain experiences, and advance business and technology skills. Following the disbandment of the Association of Information Technology Professionals Club, GS juniors, Ola Kayode and Sunny Tran took charge of forming a similar, but brand-new ITP club.


ITP promotes a welcoming environment for students wishing to build connections within a student community.


“That feeling of connection and knowing your members is really important,” ITP vice president Tran said. “It’s just a really good thing to have a strong social aspect in a new organization.”


It’s not just a resume-building club, ITP wants members to truly get to know each other. 


“We can give people that experience of something to put on their resume,” ITP president Kayode said. “But I want people to actually feel like they are a member of the club.”


What is it?

  • ITP is a newly organized on-campus club that hosts events and meetings to further technical skills while creating an inclusive environment.
  • One of their biggest events is the “Tech Gauntlet”, a competition where members are able to compete in technological challenges.
  • Their future plans also include a club scavenger hunt, where all members are invited to get to know each other better. 
  • They also host interview and resume workshops to assist students in building those skills.


How do I join?

  • NO experience is required and ANY major is welcome.
  • Follow @gsu_itp for more information and helpful links.
  • Contact Ola Kayode ( and Sunny Tran ( for any further questions. 


Check out their upcoming event “TEKLAN”, a collaboration with on-campus gaming organizations to hang out, play games and meet new people on April 14 at 6:00 p.m.