On Tuesday at Georgia Avenue, the Office of Student Activities partnered with Georgia Southern’s University Programming Board to have a winter wonderland for students to kick off the spring semester. Food, and fun activities were provided by this event which took a long time to plan.
“Any of our event’s we take a few months to actually plan just to make sure we have everything together,” said OSA’s Adrianna Holloway. “We obviously have to get in contact with different partners from the university, obviously because we needed this area on Georgia Avenue. So, we had to reach out to a few different people just to make sure this area was open, so I would say the time frame is probably 2 to 3 months.”
Students were able to decorate their own snow globes with equipment provided by the Office of Student Activities and UPB. Snacks like popcorn, mozzarella cheese sticks, fried oreos and Big Dog Snow Cones were also provided for students. Further events can be found on UPB’s Instagram @GSUPB.