Valentine’s Day is experienced in all different ways. Whether you are in kindergarten spreading out cards and candy, or planning an extravagant date for your significant other, the day is about showing your love for that person.
Valentine’s Day does not have to be limited to romantic love. Many students on campus plan a “Galentines” or “Palentines” day to cherish their love for friendship. Galentine’s Day is traditionally Feb. 13 so it doesn’t have to be exclusive from Valentine’s Day.
I personally believe that even if you spend Valentine’s Day with your significant other, spending time with your besties is super fun and special for Galentines. I plan on baking with friends and dressing up in pink and red to celebrate.
Pressures for Valentine’s Day with a significant other are constantly rising for some. Buying chocolate and flowers and gifts to try and outdo yourself and others is not what Valentine’s Day should focus on. Each gift should be to remind that person how much you mean to them. Spending time together is the most important part of showing your love to your significant other. Making them feel special is what Valentine’s Day is all about.
“I would treat my significant other special every day,” Eddy Watson said. He says that spreading love to your friends and loved ones often should be prioritized rather than one special day of the year.
While I agree with Watson, having a special day to celebrate love is all for fun and shouldn’t take away love from the rest of the year.
Cole Rominger shared that he is planning to go to a concert in his hometown with his family for Valentine’s Day.
“As an education major, the students in my class get to hand out cards and candy to everyone. It shows that the class is a family even when the kids at home might not have one,” Rominger said.
He said that Valentine’s Day is a big marketing tactic but that’s not what the meaning is. “Spending time together and making them something meaningful is how you should show you love them.”
While Valentine’s Day might not be about Saint Valentine anymore, it has definitely turned into a commercial holiday. Remembering that this holiday is about the people around you more than what’s in the stores is what most optimistic students think.
I am biased as I love Valentine’s Day and making gifts and plans, however, I dislike the commerciality of the day. All boxes of chocolates and teddy bears look the same and are not as personalized as I would like. Making something personal is the best valentines gift.