Georgia Southern president holds reopening Q&A
June 18, 2020
STATESBORO– Georgia Southern’s President held a virtual meeting to address concerns for the reopening of the campus for the upcoming fall semester.
President Kyle Marrero said, “It isn’t business as usual in any way, shape or form.”
Marrero started the virtual meeting by reviewing the plan to reopen the campus. He said that GS plans to return to face-to-face classes as usual with no requirements for face masks as of right now, for more information from Marrero on Fall 2020 classes, Andy Cole interviewed him and it can be found here.
Marrero added that there are evaluations of classrooms and class sizes being taken right now, so that they can adjust classroom sizes to accommodate the amount of students signed up for each class and ensure social distancing.
Although face masks are not a requirement, pointed out by University System of Georgia guidelines, Marrero said that faculty and staff will be provided with five cloth face masks and they are looking into providing face masks for students as well.
Not only are they talking about providing masks, but the university has put up signs about social distancing and mask-wearing throughout the campus.
Not only will masks be provided, but Marerro and his cabinet are also saying that if classrooms can not accommodate class sizes or if the professor is considered high risk, classes may become more hybrid based.
GS does not plan to test all students before they return to campus, but if a student wants to be sure they do not have it, there is an option to be evaluated online through the Department of Public Health site. Health Services on campus only plans to test symptomatic people. If you are not showing symptoms, you should go through the DPH site.
If a student tests positive, Marrero said do not worry because there will be accommodations made for the student to finish out the semester.
If there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in student housing, the school will encourage infected students to go home. If this is not possible, accommodations will be made for infected students.
As far as cleaning and disinfecting goes, the university said that classrooms will be cleaned nightly. There will also be wipes and disinfectant spray provided, as well as more hand sanitizing stations.
Olivia Craft, managing editor of enterprise,