Center for Sustainability to host sixth annual No Impact Week

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Taisha White

Georgia Southern University’s University Wellness Program and the Center for Sustainability will host the sixth annual “No Impact Week” starting on Sunday, April 10 and ending on Saturday, April 16.

The event is a week-long event dedicated to educate GSU on the importance of decreasing environmental impact as well as increasing environmental sustainability.

Lissa Leege, Director of the Center of Sustainability, explains how No Impact Week got its start.

“I actually brought No Impact Man to campus to kick off the first No Impact Week,” Leege said. “This is our six year and we actually have the longest No Impact Week in the country.”

Each day of No Impact Week will be dedicated to a specific theme that GSU students will be able to learn about the basic everyday usage of resources and the dangers of the different themes. Besides the dangers, tips and tricks on how to efficiently reduce the use of energy and increase sustainability will be provided.

“We have so many incredibly exciting new sustainability projects that have happened on campus since last years ‘No Impact Week.’ So we would really like to highlight them this time,” Leege said. “For example, we have electric golf carts with solar panels on top as them as well as bigbelly solar compactors all over campus.We also have signs all over campus now that tell people more about what is sustainable about our campus and so we will be able to highlight all of these features during that week.”

Students are happy that the university is taking action on such an important issue like sustainability and human impact on the environment.

“I am impressed with how GSU is taking on this issue,” Suzanne Smith, senior middle grade education major, said. “I think there is room for improvement when it comes to learning about how to become environmentally conscious.”

The message of “No Impact Week” brings a bigger picture for some students as well.

Junior early childhood development and special education major Kaitlyn Davidson believes that how others treat the planet today, will affect the lives of others tomorrow.

“The act of misusing earth is so disrespectful,” Davidson said. “We take for granted the limited resources we have and it might not affect us now, but future generations will have to deal with these issues.”

For more information regarding No Impact Week, visit the No Impact Week Page on GSU’s University Wellness website.