Rally at the Rotunda
November 10, 2015
November 12th, next Thursday, the fourth annual Prayer Rally will be held at the Rotunda at 7 p.m. The purpose of this event is to bring together the different campus ministries, hosted by eight major groups, under that tag line “One body, One purpose.”
“It’s sad to say but one of the most divided people groups in the world, even here in south Georgia, is Christians, divided by denomination. Every denomination is cool, it has it’s merits and really cool things, but a lot of times people use those as barriers,” Nash Higdon, rally facilitator and junior middle grade education major, said.
The rally will alternate between worship songs and current students will give their testimony of experience within their faith. There will be a band consisting of six members from different ministries to coordinate and lead the music.
Toward the end of the rally, those gathered will split into their majors and walk to their respective buildings to pray over the building and the students that attend that college.
“A group of students came together four years ago and wanted to unite the other ministries since we’re all so busy. It was to remind us that we are one through Christ and that it doesn’t matter where you go. Southern has a reputation as a party school but there’s a lot of good that goes on. It’s to show that GSU is more than a party town and clubs and stuff,” Chris Morgan, worship coordinator and sophomore psychology and sociology major, said.
There will also be an 8ft. cross to post sticky notes with anonymous prayer requests on that will be passed to each campus ministry throughout the semester to pray about. This was idea originated from McKay Pittman, a nursing major who passed away in the crash on I-16.
Pastries and coffee will be provided at the event, sponsored by Three Tree Coffee Roasters.