Greek Life Reaches Out to Statesboro Community with Trick or Treating Event

Kurt Hanlon

Halloween is coming early to the Statesboro community with the Greek Street Trick or Treat event. A longstanding tradition for Georgia Southern Fraternities and Sororities, this event allows kids from around Statesboro to come together and participate in Halloween festivities in a safe environment.

Taking place every year, the houses on Greek Row dress up and provide Statesboro kids with a wide variety of events. Ranging from trick or treating to haunted houses to pumpkin carving, kids will have plenty to do and a safe place to do it, and helps Greek life members see themselves make a difference as well.

“We just dress up and hand out candy to all the Statesboro kids that come through,” says Alpha Tau Omega member David Zinsenheim. “It gives us a chance to help out the neighborhoods around here…I like to dress up so that’s fun too.”

That sentiment is shared widely by members of Greek Life, and helps strengthen the Greek community as a whole.

“It’s a lot of fun just to dress up and be a part of actually helping out the community in such a visible way,” says Delta Phi Epsilon member Wyndi Kappes. “It also increases Greek unity because you always partner with another organization.”

Each organization celebrates the event in a different way, and partner up with each other to create different attractions for the kids.

“Every house has a theme, it’s almost like a fair,” says Kappes. “[Delta Phi Epsilon is] partnering with Kappa Sigma and Omega Psi Phi where we’re going to have a haunted house, we’re going to have face painting, and it’s just a really exciting time.” 

Although the event is open to anyone, university students unaffiliated with Greek life may have little interest in going. According to Libby Butgereit, a senior public relations major working with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the event is planned for and around children. 

“You could come if you wanted, but it’s pretty much a kid event,” says Butgereit. “It’s really innocent compared to things that go on elsewhere.”

The Greek Street Trick or Treat event takes place on October 21 from 6-8 pm, during which no cars will be allowed through Greek Row. Attendees can park their cars at the Performing Arts Center.