Five news events you should know about

Nadia Dreid

Here are five news events you should be keeping up with if you want to look informed, or at least pass your current events quiz:

1. President Obama delivered a speech Wednesday night detailing his strategy for combating ISIS, the Islamic militant group that has seized control of parts of Syria and Iraq and is responsible for the deaths of two American citizens. Obama announced Monday on “Meet the Press” that his strategy will not include U.S. troops on the ground.

2. An American who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone arrived at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta Tuesday morning. This is the fourth patient with Ebola to be brought back to the United States for treatment in the last month and the third to be treated in Emory’s isolation unit.

3. Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson has announced he will be selling his interest in the team after a 2012 email surfaced in which Levenson is dismayed at having an audience that is 70 percent black. In the email, Levenson also expressed a desire for fewer black cheerleaders and a fear that black audiences drove white fans away.

4. Netflix and several other big name sites displayed perpetual loading symbols on their web pages Wednesday in protest of FCC regulations that would legalize Internet fast lanes, essentially allowing service providers to charge consumers more for prioritized Internet access.

5. Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy passed away early Monday morning at the age of 93, the company confirmed. Truett opened the first Chick-fil-A in Altanta in 1967 and lived to see the company grow to include over 1,800 locations across America, according to the company’s website.