The pursuit of happiness is wrong
January 28, 2014
The naïve idea that success is measured by personal happiness pretty much sums up one of the major flaws in our generation.
We are beyond lazy, we love to make excuses, and we like to play way more than we like to work.
We have all seen them: the peace-obsessed kids who do nothing with their lives, yet they are always claiming that they are happy and therefore successful. Why is that?
I believe they are making excuses for their laziness and refusing to grown up.
How do we measure successful people? It’s not by the amount of money they have, the quality of the clothes they wear, or the people they know. Another common misconception is that personal happiness is measured by success.
I have seen stressed out business people who couldn’t find a smile if their lives depended on it. Many would classify them as unsuccessful because there isn’t a shred of happiness in their lives, but if they have been productive parts of society wouldn’t they at least be more successful than the peace-obsessed stoner kids?
The fact of the matter is there is a balance. You have to give up a little bit of happiness in order to be happy later on in the future. You have to force yourself to do things you would not otherwise do. It all pays off in the end.
For instance, nobody wants to take core classes, but it is necessary in order to reach your degree and end up doing what you want to do in life. There is a trade-off between misery and happiness.
Is it wrong if I refuse to acknowledge people who waste away their lives on happiness as success?
Success should have something to do with happiness. No one wants to visit an angry doctor or garner the aid of an angry lawyer. It should just have more to do with productivity than happiness.
It just shouldn’t be used as an excuse to do nothing and still claim happiness. That is not success, it is foolishness.